How to create executable jar in Java by Eclipse?

How to create executable jar in Java?

Following are the step for creating executable jar file in java:
Step: Software environments:

Step: crate java project in Eclipse
Open the Eclipse
File > New > Java Project
Enter the:
Project name: Jar-Creation-In-Java-TutorialByExample
Select the JRE
Click on the

Step: Add in Jar-Creation-In-Java-TutorialByExample
Right click on the src folder under Jar-Creation-In-Java-TutorialByExample
Click on the
Enter the package name: com.tutorialbyexample
Enter the Name: ExecutableJarCreationInJava

Click on the Finish.


package com.tutorialbyexample;

* Main for for Executable Jar Creation In Java process
public class ExecutableJarCreationInJava {

public void getDetails(Object object) {



* private method for print info on console
private void printLn(Object object) {


Step: Add in Jar-Creation-In-Java-TutorialByExample
Right click on the src folder under Jar-Creation-In-Java-TutorialByExample
Click on the
Enter the package name: com.tutorialbyexample
Enter the Name: MainApp
Click on the Finish.


package com.tutorialbyexample;

* Main for for Executable Jar Creation In Java process
public class MainApp {

* main method for Main App
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExecutableJarCreationInJava objJarInJava = 
                     new ExecutableJarCreationInJava();
                .getDetails("Jar file creation done in Java by Eclipse!!!");


Step: Run it in Eclipse for simple output
Right click on the
Run As
Java Application
Console: Jar file creation done in Java by Eclipse!!!

Step: Create the executable jar file mainapp.jar in Eclipse
Right click on Jar-Creation-In-Java-TutorialByExample
Click on the Export
Type the Jar and Click on the Runnable JAR file from wizard
Click on the Next
Select project name under Lunch Configuration: Jar-Creation-In-Java-TutorialByExample
Export destination: C:\mainapp.jar
Let it be rest default setting
Click Finish.

mainapp.jar will create in C:\mainapp.jar.

Step: Directory structure for mainapp.jar
If you have 7-zip, just right click on the mainapp.jar and extract it.

-- tutorialbyexample
-- ExecutableJarCreationInJava.class
-- MainApp.class

Step: MANIFEST.MF file details
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: .
Main-Class: com.tutorialbyexample.MainApp

Note: With help of this only jar file converted into executable.

Step: Run the executable jar mainapp.jar form command line.
Open the command prompt
Start > Type cmd and press Enter
Command prompt window will appear
Change the dir to c:\ as our mainapp.jar file are located under this dir.

Type the command java and enter

Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
(to execute a class)
or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
where options include:
-d32 use a 32-bit data model if available
-d64 use a 64-bit data model if available
-client to select the "client" VM
-server to select the "server" VM
-hotspot is a synonym for the "client" VM [deprecated]
The default VM is client.

A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives,
and ZIP archives to search for class files.
set a system property
enable verbose output
-version print product version and exit
require the specified version to run
-showversion print product version and continue
-jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
-? -help print this help message
-X print help on non-standard options
enable assertions with specified granularity
disable assertions with specified granularity
-esa | -enablesystemassertions
enable system assertions
-dsa | -disablesystemassertions
disable system assertions
load native agent library , e.g. -agentlib:hprof
see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
show splash screen with specified image
See for more details.

Indicate that java home has been set if not then set the java home.


c:\>java -jar mainapp.jar MainApp

Jar file creation done in Java by Eclipse!!!

Thanks for reading, please like and share!!!

Java 1.7 by Oracle


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