About Parameters Or Arguments Variable In Java Programming With Code Example, Sample, Eclipse, Java Class and Object and Tutorial.

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About Parameters Or Arguments Variable In Java Programming With Code Example, Sample And Tutorial


This is the example of Argument and Parameter


package com.variables.tutorialbyexample;

public class ParametersOrArgumentsVariablesInJava {

public ParametersOrArgumentsVariablesInJava() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

public void print(Object oParameterOrVariableAlsoKnownAsVariable) {
// Storing the value of parameter or argument in local varible
Object oLocalVariable = oParameterOrVariableAlsoKnownAsVariable;
// Printing the local variable

public static void main(String[] args) {

// New object creation of ClassOrStaticVariablesInJava
ParametersOrArgumentsVariablesInJava obj =
new ParametersOrArgumentsVariablesInJava();
obj.print("This is the example of Argument and Parameter");

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